What are chocolate box cushion pads?
You open a fresh box of chocolates, take the lid off and the very next thing you should see is a multi-layer cushion protecting the delicious chocolates underneath. This is a cushion pad or cushion insert.
The pads have a dual purpose, they protect the chocolates from getting damaged but they also protect the chocolate packaging from the cocoa butter in the chocolates. Often chocolates inside the box will be inside a cavity tray, this protects the base of the chocolate box from the cocoa butter in the chocolates but the lid of the chocolate box may be prone to grease stains leaching or migrating into the packaging if a layer of cushion pad is not placed between the chocolates and the lid.
Hames stock grease resistant cushion pads suitable for direct food contact in a range of sizes to fit all the different chocolate boxes and ballotins that they offer.
Cushion pads are very useful in bakery and other confectionery, often used to protect biscuits (biscuit cushion pads) muffins and brownies (bakery cushion pads), not only in bakery and cake packaging but in tins (tin cushion pads) too.
Hames cushion pads are 5 ply as standard and black is the most popular colour. Subject to larger minimum orders we can also get 3ply and 7ply. White or brown cushion pads are available for larger orders too. The pads are glassine faced with layers of kraft paper and are recyclable.
If we don’t stock a size that you require then Hames can also supply die cut cushion pads in bespoke sizes for order of 1000 cushion pads or more. There is a small charge to cover the cost of a die cutter starting at around £140.
Alternatively, if you need smaller quantities we stock extra-large cushion pads (500mm x 450mm) in white or black and you can cut them down to your own size.
More recently we have found that our customers have also been using them to protect candles, wax melts, and other craft and cottage industries.
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